Finally released my first game :-)

Actually I released it last week but didn’t get around to posting the news here. So far it’s not had many downloads (just 9) so I’ll need to find better ways to market the game. TBF it’s mostly been a learning exercise so I don’t mind (too much) if it isn’t seen or received too well by players. It is, after all, a very simple endless shooter. Below is the gameplay video that can be seen on the Play Store.

If any readers would like to give it a go, here is the link to the download on the Play Store. C & C’s are welcome (either here or on the store page itself).

Overall I’ve enjoyed the experience of putting my first game together. Learning about Unity, Blender, C#, procedural generation, etc. Plus all the other knowledge required to actually publish. Now to think of a new project 🙂

Cheers, J

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