A Journey into Advanced Squad Leader

Getting Started with ASL

Beginning Advanced Squad Leader isn’t easy. Not because the rules are hard (they are), but because simply finding the damn rules is hard. At the time of writing getting hold of the main 3 ring binder of rules is frustratingly difficult. Add to this, Beyond Valor (ASL Module 1) is essentially required in order to begin then the task becomes even harder unless you’re willing to throw money at multiple different online retailers or *cringe* Ebay scalpers who I’m sure buy up loads of rulebooks and modules then wait for them to go out of print.

For me it was impossible to find a retailer that had the main rulebook, Beyond Valor, and were willing to ship to my location in Asia. So in the end I accepted my fate and picked up the Pocket Edition of the rules with Beyond Valor from A Gray Rooster Sales with the help of a very nice retailer called Dan. I could have ordered direct from MMP but for some reason they don’t accept PayPal and I couldn’t find enough information regarding the shipping method (untracked packages have a habit of going “missing” in the postal system here).

I’m still waiting on the delivery of the above but my journey hasn’t stalled. I have been watching a ton of YouTube video tutorials and playthroughs from various sources trying to get a grasp of the basics. I also managed to find a local player via a gaming group on Facebook. He may be the only ASL player in the country, not just locally! Or perhaps the others are just well concealed ;-). He graciously offered to guide me through some games. To that end we met up last Thursday and I got to try out Starter Kit #1 (the kit offers a simplified set of rules for beginners to get a gist of what the main beast contains). I’ve actually also got this starter kit on order but delivery could be months away as it is currently floating it’s way to me from Canada. I ordered this on a whim prior to changing my mind and deciding that it was in fact full ASL that really held my interest. I am, however, very happy to be able to go through the Starter Kit and still looking forward to receiving my copy in the hope that I can use it in the future to bring others into the game much like I am being escorted now.

Retaking Vierville (ASLSK#1)

Scenario 1 of the starter kit

As the US I was tasked with holding onto four buildings, while my guide took control of the German forces in an effort to retake the Vierville.

Map of Vierville

Historically this battle was won by the US forces and I’d like to say that I did well, even if it was not a complete reflection of the actual events… Sadly, the truth is more akin to a slaughter into which lambs are led. Ugh. I was also too engrossed to remember to take a pic or two. I’ll try not to forget next time. Hopefully the process of showing me the ropes wasn’t too painful for my guide and I’m looking forward to the next match soon. So far, so good. I’m really enjoying the learning process and can easily see where the tactical depth is and why so many players stick with, or return to, Advanced Squad Leader. My mentor also had a spare copy of the full rules so I snagged that to take home for a thorough read over the weekend and beyond… Long beyond… The rules are MASSIVE!

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