Adobe Acrobat X Pro Stopped Working

Just a quick note-to-self so that I remember this less than ideal hack that gets Acrobat working again if it stops opening. Perhaps it will also assist others as Adobe themselves seem reluctant to offer an official fix, or even an official work around except to instruct the user to try uninstalling/reinstalling. Ugh. That old chestnut (that doesn’t work).

The only remedy I’ve found after extensive Googling is to run this small app. Unfortunately I’ve forgotten where I got it from (I’ll happily adjust this post and credit the creator should anyone know who).

The app is in the following zip file

4 Replies to “Adobe Acrobat X Pro Stopped Working”

  1. Aaaaand… Saved again. Why oh why Acrobat, why? Anyway. Fixed again (so soon after the last use but on a different computer).

  2. It’s been a while… But once again this fix has been invaluable. I wish I could locate the creator. I’d definitely throw a few bucks in their direction. Happy New Year 🙂

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