Category: Programming

Unity Ads

Wow. That was easier than I expected. I signed up in the services section of Unity, turned on “test mode”. Then created a button and added the following 2 scripts to said button and it worked like a charm 🙂 This code shows the rewarded ad types. Video ads that the player chooses to watch…

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Unity Health Bar Slider

This took me way longer to discover than I thought it would. I’d implemented a UI Slider to display health (actually I’m using it as a fuel gauge but the principle remains the same) which worked fine but I wanted to change the colour as the players health/fuel reduced, and then flash if perilously low.…

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Learning Unity3D

For some time I’ve considered trying out games programming. Not that I think I’ll ever create much worthwhile but it seems like a fun challenge and a decent break from my usual web app stuff. One of the hardest decisions is the first; what language/environment to use? There is an astonishing number of options (far…

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