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Dungeons & Dragons Pattaya

The above is meant to be a click bait title to help people find a small, new (less than a year old) group of RPG’ers in the Pattaya region. Currently there are only 3 of us and we are playing mostly D&D, but are also willing to try out other systems. So far we’ve done a few one shots and short campaigns in Runequest and Mothership, and have been having a go at Dungeon Crawl Classics (My personal favourite).

Virtual Table Top

If you are interested in joining, please drop me a comment (leaving your email address or other means of contacting you). I won’t publish any personal details online.

2 Replies to “Dungeons & Dragons Pattaya”

  1. Hey guys, is this group still on? I go to Pattaya once a year for a month or two but would like to move there permanently. Once I get there – probably later in the year – can I drop by?

    • Unfortunately the group disbanded. There is a facebook for another gathering that runs which you could try.

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