Save The Cows

After a (probably too long) Christmas break I’ve been going through the process of implementing In Game Purchases (IAP), and setting up the Play Store page in preparation for testing and eventual release. This was not nearly as easy as adding the Unity Ads system, mostly because they required the store page to be fully completed with all the products added and a different phone – the developers (my) phone isn’t allowed to fully test if the purchase finalizes for some reason (?!). I’ve also managed to scrounge up an old iPhone 5 and borrow a Mac Book Air from a friend so I’m looking forward to repeating this process again for the iTunes Store… Along with any other hiccups the porting process will throw at me.

With all the above completed and the menus fully functioning I only need to create a demo/tutorial video for the store page (time to learn Adobe Premier) and perhaps create a few more models :-/ I should also consider adding one or two more levels to make the game feel more complete.

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