Tag: Game Development

Pause Screen

I’ve been working on the in game pause screen for a bit now. I really wanted to let the user see the island as a whole plus have the ability generate new islands (start a new game) while in the game mode. It’s actually turned out pretty nice 🙂 The “only” things left are to…

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It’s been a while since my last update. Things on the game front have been moving along fairly nicely although building the models is rather more taxing than I thought it would be. My relationship with Blender is a bit of a love/hate thing. SO much seems counter intuitive but it’s clearly such a powerful…

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Arg… the loop

Getting the map to loop has been a massive pain. To be specific, instantly transporting the player from one end to the other is easy, it’s filling in the blanks at each end with a view from soon to be reached other end that is the problem. So far the best solution I’ve come up…

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Unity Health Bar Slider

This took me way longer to discover than I thought it would. I’d implemented a UI Slider to display health (actually I’m using it as a fuel gauge but the principle remains the same) which worked fine but I wanted to change the colour as the players health/fuel reduced, and then flash if perilously low.…

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