Tag: Not a review

Boxart for Tunisia II

Tunisia II

Along with my fairly frequent plays of ASL I’ve picked up a copy Tunisia II. A module in the Operational Combat Series (OCS), which like ASL, is also published by Multi Man Publishing (I’m in danger of becoming a bit of a fan boy). The system emulates operational level conflicts and in this case it…

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ASL Rules Cover

A Closer Look At ASL

They don’t come any more complicated, or any better. This is the absolute pinnacle of board gaming and I truly believe that my search for THE game has finished. But let me attach a long grumble to this high praise. Price. Quality. Availability. Is SHIT… That alone may tell you enough to avoid this absolute…

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Terraforming Mars

Initial Impression The reviews I read weren’t exaggerating. The component quality is absolutely awful. The opaque cubes came pre-chipped – the clear ones appeared used! – cards were warped and the main board was creased. Even expecting sup-par parts and artwork really didn’t prepare me for the actual unwrapping and utter disbelief that this was…

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